Legal Practice

Our services include:

  • legal advisory service concerning the area of loan transactions, financial restructuring and reorganization
  • drafting or review of the loan agreements, pledge agreements, guarantee agreements and other security documents
  • drafting or legal analysis of banking instruments and guarantees (letters of credit and promissory notes, security instruments, insurance contracts and terms and conditions) and drafting or legal analysis of related contractual documentation
  • advisory service to clients in structuring their financial plan, preparation and negotiations of transaction documentation
  • negotiations and execution of banking and finance documents on behalf of a client and in accordance with its requirements
  • performance of due diligences covering the borrowers, their assets and subjects/business intentions to be financed by the lenders

Examples of transactions/services with active involvement of our attorneys

EUR 500 000 000 syndicated project financing arranged by a major Austrian bank and other banks to finance the D4R7 Bratislava Bypass Highway (Slovak PPP project); one of the largest real estate project financings ever in Slovakia.
EUR 130 000 000 syndicated real estate refinancing arranged by a major Slovak bank to refinance the acquisition and finance the extension of the largest hotel in Bratislava; the transaction involved Slovak and Luxembourg legal and financial aspects, complex Slovak and foreign tax corporate structures, and the final documentation was based on LMA standard.
EUR 20 000 000 real estate refinancing arranged by a major Slovak bank to finance the development and construction of a major office building in Bratislava; the final documentation was based on LMA standard .
EUR 10 000 000 bilateral financing provided by a major Slovak bank to finance a construction of 7MW photovoltaic power plants in the Slovak Republic; the final documentation was based on LMA standard and included Slovak and Cyprus law aspects, as well as the tax and financial structuring of the entire transaction
EUR 8 000 000 bilateral financing provided by a major Slovak bank to finance a preparation of an industrial park in the eastern part of the Slovak Republic; the final documentation was based on LMA standard and included an extensive legal due diligence and advising on many regulatory matters
Other services