Management Services

The main objectives of management services are to achieve:

  • utilization of our years of practical experience in transaction organization and management, including their financial and tax aspects
  • acceleration of transaction execution processes
  • timely identification and resolution of risks and issues that may arise during transactions
  • precise design or assessment of business parameters of transactions
  • timely securing of necessary external financial resources for transactions
  • reduction in non-productive time and administrative burden for clients in transactions;
  • streamline communication internally as well as with external third parties

Our services encompass a wide array of tasks, all tailored to ensure a successful outcome. From meticulously analyzing individual cases to devising well-thought-out strategies and structures, we leave no stone unturned in maximizing the potential of every opportunity. Our professionalism extends to arranging for essential external financial sources, ensuring that you have the resources needed to make your vision a reality.

When it comes to signing and closing transactions, our clients can rest assured that our meticulous approach and attention to detail will facilitate a smooth and successful conclusion. We understand the significance of these moments and go above and beyond to ensure that our client’s interests are protected every step of the way.

With a track record of excellence and a commitment to fostering long-lasting client relationships, we have earned the trust of businesses across various industries. Our passion for what we do drives us to continually innovate and evolve, staying at the forefront of the industry and providing our clients with cutting-edge solutions.

Examples of our
management services

YEAR 2023
Management of the acquisition of office building in Bratislava by the Austrian real estate investment company. Our management services included an initial analyses of investment opportunity, proposal the transaction structure involving Slovak and Austrian legal entities, arrangement of external bank financing, provision of Slovak legal services, coordination of foreign legal services and all involved Slovak and foreign financial and tax advisors and daily overall management of the process of transaction until its signing and closing, including all subsequent required registrations and notifications. Deal value was approx. EUR 20 000 000.
YEAR 2023
Management of the process of obtaining all approvals and permits and thereafter an external bank financing for a development of several photovoltaic power plants in the Slovak Republic by a major German energy firm. Our management services included an analyses of investment opportunity, proposal the transaction structure involving Slovak and German legal entities, preparation and/or review of all requests and documentation submitted to public authorities, coordination of meetings and discussions with all involved third parties and arrangement of external bank financing for the project. We have coordinated needed legal, financial and tax advisors. Our services included also preparation of EPC contract and other needed contracts with external suppliers to the client. Deal value was approx. EUR 5 000 000.
YEAR 2023
Management of the total exit by a Slovak investor from one Slovak equity investment. Our management services included an initial analysis of the transaction structure proposed by the buyer, provision of Slovak legal services, coordination of all involved Slovak financial and tax advisors and daily overall management of the process of transaction until its signing and closing, including all subsequent required registrations and notifications. We helped the client to negotiate a complex initial termsheet, especially price conditions and to structure the transaction to be tax favorable and to include not only one-off payment at exit but also future add-on payments and benefits for the client. Deal value was approx. EUR 8 000 000.